Friday 27 May 2016

Jade Bove

Set Designer & Model Maker
After studying Media Makeup, Prosthetics and Hair at college, I had planned to progress into the costume sector of the industry. However after joining the Creative Arts course at UCA, I discovered my love for set design and model making. I have become passionate about taking a narrative and finding a way to bring it to the stage in a way that people may never have seen or experienced before. The in-depth research process leading up to the design is something that I thoroughly enjoy as I like to push myself to find inspiration in the most unlikely places. Additionally I love working with materials to create an environment that may not have been the obvious choice for the time period or setting of the original story.

I have excellent time management skills and am always punctual in starting the day and meeting deadlines. Employment outside of my degree has enabled me to practice my natural leadership qualities as well adapting myself to work as part of a group, in which I like to push myself and those around me to work to the best of our abilities.

- Set Designing 
- Model Making 
- Working to Scale
- Working to a Budget
- Technical Drawing
- Scenic Painting
- Set construction

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